Pictures in media : Nigeria : Kano : Durbar2005




ShopNearKurmiMarket_w.JPG: Shop near Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 15:22:47 UTC]

KurmiMarket1_w.JPG: Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 15:41:10 UTC]

KurmiMarket2_w.JPG: Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 15:50:47 UTC]

StreetOutsideKurmiMarket_w.JPG: Street outside Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 15:55:31 UTC]

StreetNearKurmiMarket_w.JPG: Street near Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:00:07 UTC]

BuildingNearKurmiMarket_w.JPG: Building near Kurmi market [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:02:55 UTC]

MuseumEntrance_w.JPG: Gidan Makama museum entrance [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:33:36 UTC]

KanoWall1_w.JPG: Reconstructed section of the Kano city wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:45:51 UTC]

KanoWall2_w.JPG: Reconstructed section of the Kano city wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:46:00 UTC]

KanoWall3_w.JPG: Reconstructed section of the Kano city wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:46:20 UTC]

MeInGate_w.JPG: Me in one of Kano's city gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:47:56 UTC]

OldManWithStraw_w.JPG: Old man carrying straw in front of the city wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:48:33 UTC]

CityGate1_w.JPG: One of Kano's city gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:48:59 UTC]

MarebecDaveByWall_w.JPG: Marebec and Dave by the reconstructed section of Kano's city wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:49:56 UTC]

SunsetOverKano1_w.JPG: Sunset over Kano's old city [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:51:49 UTC]

SunsetOverKano2_w.JPG: Sunset over Kano's old city [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:52:05 UTC]

UnfinishedWall_w.JPG: Mud-plastered and unfinished sections of wall [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:52:29 UTC]

WallRemainsAndGate1_w.JPG: Remains of part of the Kano city wall and one of the gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 17:00:09 UTC]

WallRemainsAndGate2_w.JPG: Remains of part of the Kano city wall and one of the gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 17:01:53 UTC]

WallRemainsGateAndKids_w.JPG: Kids in front of one of Kano's gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 17:02:27 UTC]

CityGate_w.JPG: One of Kano's old city gates [Wednesday 2nd November 2005 17:04:41 UTC]

ManAtDyePits1-1_w.JPG: Man dyeing fabric at the Kano dye pits [Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:18:02 UTC]

ManAtDyePits2_w.JPG: Man dyeing fabric at the Kano dye pits [Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:18:06 UTC]

Indigo_w.JPG: Indigo dye at the Kano dye pits [Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:18:31 UTC]

FabricAtDyePits_w.JPG: Indigo dyed fabrics at the Kano dye pits [Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:21:43 UTC]

PreparingForDurbar_w.JPG: Preparing for the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 13:29:37 UTC]

VipSeating_w.JPG: VIP seating at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 14:56:04 UTC]

KidsOnHorses1_w.JPG: Kids on horses at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:47:15 UTC]

KidsOnHorses2_w.JPG: Kids on horses as part of the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:47:18 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup1_w.JPG: Group of horsemen in the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:48:21 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup2_w.JPG: Group of horsemen in the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:48:45 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup3_w.JPG: Group of horsemen in the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:49:03 UTC]

HorsemenAndInfantry_w.JPG: Horsemen and infantry at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:49:50 UTC]

DurbarInfantry1_w.JPG: Infantry at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:50:03 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup4_w.JPG: Group of horsemen at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:50:23 UTC]

DurbarInfantry2_w.JPG: Infantry at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:51:36 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup5_w.JPG: Group of horseman at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:51:40 UTC]

KidsOnHorses3_w.JPG: Kids on horses as part of the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:51:55 UTC]

DurbarHorseGroup6_w.JPG: Group of horsemen in the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 15:52:48 UTC]

HorseTrafficJam_w.JPG: Traffic jam of horses [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:14:34 UTC]

RoyalGroup_w.JPG: Royal group at Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:14:39 UTC]

EmirArrives_w.JPG: The Emir arrives at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:34:35 UTC]

CamelMountedDrummers_w.JPG: Camel-mounted drummers [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:34:55 UTC]

ShowOfHorsemanship_w.JPG: A show of horsemanship [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:38:52 UTC]

CrowdsAtDurbar1_w.JPG: Crowds at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:43:47 UTC]

CrowdsAtDurbar2_w.JPG: Crowds at the Durbar [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:43:57 UTC]

InfantryFiringMuskets_w.JPG: Infantry firing muskets [Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:50:23 UTC]

KilishiDryingInTheSun1_w.JPG: Kilishi drying in the sun [Friday 4th November 2005 08:52:49 UTC]

KilishiDryingInTheSun2_w.JPG: Kilishi drying in the sun [Friday 4th November 2005 08:53:05 UTC]

HouseInOldCity_w.JPG: House in old city [Friday 4th November 2005 08:55:27 UTC]

LookingOverToDalaHill_w.JPG: Looking over to Dala hill [Friday 4th November 2005 09:02:32 UTC]

VivianeWithKidsOnDalaHill_w.JPG: Viviane with kids on Dala hill [Friday 4th November 2005 09:17:29 UTC]

BrokenDownCar_w.JPG: Broken-down car in Akwanga [Sunday 6th November 2005 13:26:56 UTC]

EngineSmoking_w.JPG: Smoke pours out of the engine [Sunday 6th November 2005 13:27:08 UTC]