Pictures in media : Poland : Wroclaw : July09




BuildingInEveningSun_w.jpg: A building in Wroclaw's main square in the evening sun. [Monday 13th July 2009 19:53:04 UTC]

TownHall1_w.jpg: Wroclaw's old town hall, on the main square. [Tuesday 14th July 2009 08:49:09 UTC]

TownHall2_w.jpg: Wroclaw's old town hall, on the main square. [Tuesday 14th July 2009 08:49:34 UTC]

TownHall3_w.jpg: Wroclaw's old town hall, on the main square. [Tuesday 14th July 2009 08:49:57 UTC]

YouCanDrinkBeerHere_w.jpg: Signs at the Opera office indicating where it's allowed to drink beer. [Thursday 16th July 2009 17:45:19 UTC]

StatuesCrossingTheRoad_w.jpg: A sculpture on both sides of the road opposite our hotel. [Saturday 18th July 2009 13:13:04 UTC]

MonumentNearPartisanHill_w.jpg: A monument close to Partisan Hill in Wroclaw. [Saturday 18th July 2009 13:23:37 UTC]

WroclawCathedral_w.jpg: Wroclaw cathedral. [Saturday 18th July 2009 14:04:50 UTC]

StatueAtCathedral_w.jpg: One of the statues surrounding the main entrance of Wroclaw cathedral. [Saturday 18th July 2009 14:07:03 UTC]

RiverBridgesAndBuildings_w.jpg: Wroclaw buildings near the cathedral. [Saturday 18th July 2009 14:11:17 UTC]