Pictures in media : USA : SeattleOct09




SpaceNeedlePano_w.jpg: Panorama of the Space Needle. [Saturday 10th October 2009 21:09:47 UTC]

EMPSciFiMuseumAndMonorail_w.jpg: The blue monorail train about to pass through the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum. [Saturday 10th October 2009 21:15:10 UTC]

RedMonorail_w.jpg: The red monorail train, currently being refurbished, sitting at Seattle Center station. [Saturday 10th October 2009 21:24:18 UTC]

BlueMonorailComingIntoStation_w.jpg: The blue monorail approaching Seattle Center station, passing through the Experience Music Project. [Saturday 10th October 2009 21:28:54 UTC]

SeattleFromTheMonorail_w.jpg: A view of Seattle from the front seat of the monorail, heading back to downtown. [Saturday 10th October 2009 21:32:34 UTC]

MuseumOfFlight_w.jpg: The Museum of Flight, just outside Seattle. [Sunday 11th October 2009 21:39:54 UTC]