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South American Information


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South America
Southern Chile
Chilean Lake District and Argentina
The Desert
South American Album
South American Information
North America
Turkey 2003
Mount Cameroon 2005
Technical notes

The site is a work in progress, the 'Album' page in each section contains some photos but only some sections have much text.

Contact me

This page has notes about various South American words and phrases I have used in the text as well as other odds and ends which wouldn't fit in with the diary.


The exchange rates listed are very approximate and out of date.

Country Currency Abbreviation Value
Chile Peso CLP CLP550=USD1
Argentina Peso ARP ARP1=USD1
Bolivia Boliviano BOB BOB7=USD1
Peru Nuevo Sol PEN PES3=USD1

Words and phrases

Taxi Collectivo
These are a sort of cross between a bus and a taxi and are common in Chile. They run on fixed routes around towns and cities and charge a fixed fare advertised on the windscreen. The vehicle itself can be anything from a normal car to a small bus.
Dulce de Leche
Basically caramelised condensed milk, this often spread on bread or pancakes. It comes in tubs very similar to yoghurt (at least one person I know got mixed up between them) and it's very sweet.


  • Casa Evelyn, Valdivia 708, Puerto Natales. Phone 414664. Good breakfast, very hot water and friendly. Just round the corner from the bus stop.
  • Hotel City, Compañia, Santiago. Old-fashioned but comfortable and very close to the city centre.

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